February 10, 2012
1st Annual Myrtle Beach Zombie Walk Prom & Dinner
"80's" Theme
- Time7:00pm until 2:00am
Hey Zombies, we hosted our first ever Zombie Prom here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Zombies had a light dinner, live music and undead fun all night long.
The Sound Hole was decorated and a photographer was on hand to snap Zombie Prom Pictures.
The them was "80's" and everyone was dress accordingly. The Zombie King (Jamie Gamble) & Zombie Queen (Alicia Sanders) of the dead were elected, whom will have the high Honor of leading our massive walk in April, alongside the one and only "Digger"!
We thank everyone who attended and all the sponsors who donated their products and services to this event. We actually accumulated some funding for Myrtle Beach Zombie Walk in April.
Live Music:
Prowler - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Prowler-Metal/151137794901489
They Sold The Sun - https://www.facebook.com/SoulSticeSC
Darling Waste - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Darling-Waste/108438035846925
Nothing - https://www.facebook.com/nothingrox
Brian Roessler - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Brian-Roessler-Music/193757088766
Damien Deadson, Ryan Helm of Demon Hunter, Shed This Burden, Up In Irons!
See Photos Of This Undead Event Here:

Tickets are $5 or Purchase a Weekend Pass for just $10.
NOTE: Weekend pass entitles you access to this, the Zombie Apocalypse, and all the Parties From 4/20/12 till 4/21/2011!
MBZW Pre Party: Contagion 420 & GWAR Afterparty!
Two stages of live music, great food, giveaways, raffles, surprises!
When Friday, April 20, 2012
Time 6:00pm until 2:00am
Tickets are $5 or Purchase a Weekend Pass for just $10.
NOTE: Weekend pass entitles you access to this, the Zombie Apocalypse, and all the Parties From 4/18/12 till 4/21/2011!
All Proceeds go to Project Lighthouse at Sea Haven in Myrtle Beach SC. The Zombie Response Team will be on site to help transform you into the zombie of the evening!
Come out and start Myrtle Beach Zombie Walk weekend right! We will have 2 stages of live music, great food, giveaways, raffles, surprises! Tickets are $5 or you can buy a weekend pass for $10 which gives you access to this, the day of, and all the after parties on Saturday night! All money raised goes to Project Lighthouse At Sea Haven!
=> Best Zombie Tattoo Contest - At Friday's Pre - Party at The Sound Hole See this pg for details-
Here is the current lineup!
Indoor Stage:
8 Shifty Tricks
9 The IZM
10 Death Of Paris
11 Signs of Iris
12 Mobius Continnum
1am: The Josh Carter Band
Outdoor Stage
8:30 Jeremy Johnson
9:30 Hawaiian Shirt Day
10:30 Brain Damage
11:30 Bamboo Forest
12:30 Out of Step (a tribute to Minor Threat)
Come see us after the GWAR show at the House Of Blues and get in free with your ticket stub! We have live bands all night long!

April 21, 2012 - Myrtle Beach Zombie Walk V: The Apocalypse
Zombie Response Team Will have one Rescue Station to Transform you into a zombie, plus we will have Live music and other entertainment at The Sound Hole starting at 11:00 AM and Makeup services ends promptly at 4:30 PM.
For Full Details about Becoming Zombiefied Click Here
We will have activities at these venues for your undead pleasure.
Create Your Own Bloody or Tye Dye Myrtle Beach Zombie Walk T-Shirt
More to be announced.
The Zombie Apocalypse Begins Promptly at 5:00 PM
The Sound Hole 1004 Chester St. Immediately after the Zombie Apocalypse Register for them there.
=> Best Zombie Baby - Contestants can not have had their makeup done by the Zombie Response Team.
=> Best Teen Zombie Contest - Contestants can not have had their makeup done by the Zombie Response Team.
These Contests Will be Held at Victory Tavern Later in the night. Register for them there
=> Best Zombie Couple - Contestants can not have had their makeup done by the Zombie Response Team.
=> Overall Best Zombie Makeup - Contestants can not have had their makeup done by the Zombie Response Team.
We will have raffles at all venues. There will be a list of prizes posted at each venue.
After parties:
After Party I: Epidemic - The Sound Hole
Come out and party with the dead, great drink specials, BRAIN shots, and delicious food!
Live Music
Here is the line up for this party!
Indoor Stage:
Noon: Mark Bennett
1:00: Brian Roessler
2:00 Exhaust The Fox
3:00 Steve Pethel
4:00 Andrew Jernigan
6:00 Brain Damage
7:00 Conception Of Being
8:00 Nothing
9:00 Prowler
10:00 Dead To Society
11:00 The Shot Downs
12:00 Rabble N' Rebelion
1:00 The Graveyard Boulevard
Outdoor Stage:
1:00 Ryan Lill
2:00 The Pen Is Envy
4:00 Raging Nipple
6:00 Sista Otis
6:50 Thirst For Clarity
7:40 Shed This Burden
8:30 DJ QP & Shamrock
9:20 They Sold The Sun
10:10 Shifty Tricks
11:00 Grave Intentions
11:50 The Bodybags
12:40 Sharklegs
MBZW After Party II: Quarantine
The Victory Tavern, 8th avenue north , Myrtle Beach, SC
Saturday, April 21, 2012 - 6:00pm until 2:00am
This after party is being run by Lance Waste of Darling Waste!
6:15 Pineapple Shaped Lamps - Theatrical Performance
7:00 The Sewing Circle
8:00 The Insides Out
9:00 Rictus Grim
10:00 VESS
11:00 Darling Waste
12:00 The Villians
1:00 Missfits (Female Tribute Band)
If you just attend only the after party its a $5 cover at the door of any venue or you can get a weekend pass for $10.
2012 we are doing this to help enable Project Lighthouse at Sea Haven to help provide educational, informational, and prevention support for runaway or homeless street youth in order to reduce the daily risks for those youths. They are a drop-in center for runaway and/or homeless teenager between the ages of 13 and 21.
505 9th Ave N, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 - Phone - 1 843.626.1446